Since the most ancient of times throughout Afrika, the Mamaland, orakles have been a source of Sacred Guidance for Spiritual Awakening, Rebalancing and Self-Renewal!
These ReShaping (tm) SheInspiration Orakles (tm) are a unique collection of womin-affirmative, Afrakan (R) -Rooted, AfraMama (tm) - (Goddess-) ReShaping (tm) SheWisdoms (tm) , which speak to a womin's (tm) highest vision of her Self...And which productively SheInspires (tm) you to acknowledge and affirm your Soul's desire for spiritual wholeness.
Created by Our Founding Priestess of Our Afrakan (R) and AfraKamaati (R) Spiritual tradition, this Divinely SheInspired (tm) collection of 56 Orakles Attune and Awaken you to Karmically-linked aspects of your Self, which have quite possibly lain dormant or been misunderstood for years!
These Afrakan (R) Orakles are designed to fully engage you in a unique, transcendental, matrifocal AfraMama (tm) -centered, Afrakan (R) -Spiritual ReShaping (tm) system, which is both intricate and sophisticated in it's workings; therefore RSI Orakles (tm) are intended to motivate Spiritual and Self Renewal, to Restore and Revitalize Joyous Wellbeing, by imparting a daily reminder of your Higher-Self's Exemplary Aspirations -- which Our tradition affirms as Maat SheConscience (tm) .
Each day that you choose these RSI Orakles (tm) for guidance is a day you'll advance closer to Knowing the True Inner You!
RSI Orakles (tm) is a matrifocal Afrakan (R) Divination system, formulated to help seeking wimmin mentally, emotionally and spiritually align with Maat SheConscience (tm). This, Our ancient Afrikan moral constant of Order, Truth, Harmony and Rightness, for over 10,000 years . . . was the central concern and focus of those seeking to live the Good Life --which we call SheInspired, SistahPeaceful, WellBalance (tm) !
Each Orakle offers at least 3 uplifting and Shepositive(tm) guidances. From the very beginning of her day, as a womin (tm) inquires, selects, aspires and adopts the perspective of the designated daily RSI Orakles (tm), it will auspiciously re-root her with her innermost capacity for inexhaustible peace and serenity -- SheInspired, SistahPeaceful WellBalance (tm) !
RSI Orakles (tm) cultivate new ways in which a womin can advance by daily ReShaping (tm) any Self-defeating notions and reactions into a more Shepositive (tm) and Self-affirming disposition and womin-affirmative (tm) world-view. By SheInspiring (tm) a womin to live in accordance with and by the Afrakan-Rooted (R) governing ShePrinciples (tm) of Harmonious Living, these RSI Orakles(tm) assist her to recognize and cultivate a more meaningful, expansive and resilient relationship with the increasing complexities of an ever-changing world.
Quite simply, these RSI Orakles (tm) show a seeking womin how to formulate a healthy sense of 'Self-concept' awareness, while helping her to spiritually reintegrate, attune, rebalance, refashion and harmonize her life with Maat-Ordered Good Intent. RSI Orakles (tm) bring clarity, peace and order to a womin's life by encouraging a daily state of SheInspired (tm) awareness. No seriously seeking Sistah should be without them on her Insightful spiritual journey to joyous Inner-Knowing...
These Introspective Guiding Afrakan (R) Wisdoms make a mindfully SheInspirational (tm) gift for Our mama, sisters, aunts, sistahfriends, young wimmin, female kinfolk and other special wimmin (tm) in your life. Order yours today!
. . . Ask about ReShaping SheInspiration Orakles (tm) online!
. . . Gatherings (tm) discounts available.
Examine the present Chaos
Is it merely Meaningful SheChange,
Or have you resisted SheChange
Perception is not Reality!
Don't let what you feel
Step. . .
Listen to your BraveHeart,
All original Herstorical text copyright 2000 Asungi productions.
Contact us to begin the journey of Affirmative SheSharing (tm)
This Forum's purpose is to help you to Awaken to, amass
Right now we are a growing Forum community
Simply contact us by email or snail mail
For greater ReShaping Afrakan & AfraKamaatik Insight (R) and spiritual counseling as to the Deeper Meaning of these daily RSI Orakles (tm) in your life, please contact us:
MAMAROOTS . PO Box 21066. Long Beach, CA 90801-4066.
Or Click here to eMail MAMAROOTS:
All original art & text copyright Asungi/ MAMAROOTS productions.
TA TAH. . .Thanks for supporting the MAMAVision (tm). . .!!! . . .5.93 - 9.10
Our WellCome. . .
Click here to eMail MAMAROOTS
You may also click your browser's "back" button to return to our opening /WellCome page . . .
Oya Iyaja:
Transforming AfraMama (tm)
of the Marketplace
& Irresistible Winds of SheChange!(tm)
for authentic significance.
gently blowing
effortless progress into your life?
so much that
Her Irresistible Winds now relentlessly
blow hardship your way?
Fearless Courage
confuse what you Know.
beyond the limitations
of your fears, they are merely
Self-created feelings
and not the reality.
and have the courage
to achieve what you Know.
Our ReShaping SheInspiration Forum (tm)
with others as you ReShape your Self (tm)
in Maat-Ordered Good Intent !!! (tm)
and maintain your own growing Maat SheConscience (tm) .
You will be supported in coming to Know
that you Really DO have all that you need
within you to daily solve your problems,
ease your mind, bring peace to your affairs,
put and keep your 3-fold body in serene balance.
of local monthly SisGatherings,
& national bi-weekly SisGatherings by snail mail and email,
which is open to all wimmin who wish to join
a supportive-commmunity of wimmin who are actively
ReShaping our Lives SheInspirationally (tm)
through this Unique Pathway of Knowing Maat SheConscience (tm) !!!
to discover a Unique Pathway
where you can Joyously and Affirmatively
ReShape your Self in Maat-Ordered Good Intent !!! (tm)
Click here to get active with
or get updates about our
ReShaping SheGatherings & Events!!!
Contacting or on becoming a Certified SisSheInspirer (tm) or ReShaper (tm) .
Or call 562 498-3318.
Or Click here to eMail AfraShe Asungi @ MAMAROOTS:
AfraShe Asungi, HHHAS, MFA, MSW, MAFRAS ReShaper (tm)
MAMAROOTS: AJAMA-JEBI is a non-profit AfraGoddess (tm)-Centered
Afrakan SpiraCultural (tm) Sistahzation (tm) and is solely funded by
Sistahship LoveGifts, Support Offerings and other donated contributions,
which support our spiritual/cultural/social/development projects, community outreach programs, research, materials and publications.
MAMAROOTS, MAMAROOTS: AJAMA-JEBI Sistahood, AFRACENTRIK, AFRAGODDESS, AFRAMAMA, AFRAKAMAATI, AFRAPHILOSOPHICAL, AFRATAASET, AFRA, AFRAKIN, AFRAKAN, AFRAKANWELLNESS, KAMAAT, KAMAATIK, AFRAWOMINSPIRIT, AFRASHEDOMS KALLEGE and all related words which begin with AFRA as well as all related concepts are registered trade/ service marks by Asungi & MAMAROOTS productions and the use of these marks without written permission
are strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
the Root ! (tm)
SisWeb! (tm)
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Really Are (tm)
MAMA (tm)
SistahPeace (tm) Holistic
& Otherwise
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SisCommunity (tm):
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ReShaping SheInspiration
Orakles (tm)
ReShaping (tm)
Event Updates
SistahMoon ReShaping
AfraShedoms (tm)
Web Page Design/ programing: AfraShe Asungi, HHHAS, MFA, MSW, CAODC, MAFRAS ReShaper (tm),
Web Page programing support: Teo Barry Vincent IV