Sistahs! As you are Sheproductively aware. . .
Our MAMAROOTS Siscommunity is just a small part of a growing global community. . .
where you can find meaningful, effective information and support.
Here is a listing of others who we view as part of
our viable resource/support/awareness community, where you are invited
to venture, discover, foster, share, develop
and offer meaningfully effective ways in which
we may successfully rebuild, renew,
and daily practice a fruitful lifestyle of Radiant Being !
If you are a kindred spirit & wish to be a part of our Links . . . please let us know. . .
& Please share with our Links that you were referred to them by MAMAROOTS . . .tah!!!
African Women's Charity Organization
These Sistahs are about Sistahs Sheproductively Supportin' our Selves Globally. . . !
Winifred R. Harris' Between Lines Dance Company
Sis Winifred is another of AfraShe's "amazing & inspired" SpiritSistahFriends/
AfraShe says, "This Sistah is a fierce choreographer & Spiritdancer
& her company productions are abosolutely SheEnchanting . . . !"
Sistah makeda dread / reggae makossa
Sis makeda dread is another of AfraShe's "amazing & inspired" SpiritSistahFriends
and who AfraShe says is, "an awesome radio personailty & Cultural Wisewomin!"
Sustainable Energy Institute / Culture Change
These folk are all about saving resources
One of AfraShe's "amazing & MaatInspired" SpiritKinBrothers
who AfraShe says is, "a mental Phenom, BroVisionary & Cultural WiseMan!"
Who along with other cultural visionaries
like Bros Phil Mcgee, Wade Nobles & Richard King
ReShaped the face of psychology anew
reframing it in a (much needed) Afrikan positive perspective.
AfraShe warmly thanks him for his years of daring to share his visionary wisdom
and for continuing to have the courage to speak a Mind Awakening Truth
to/ and on behalf of Africans worldwide . . .
She says, "No Afrikan alive in this American diaspora has not benefited from
his daring to challenge the field of psychology
and mental health to acknowledge the necessity of overstanding
and practicing mental health and wellbeing from an Afrikan worldview-
- if (we) Afrikan peoples are to TRULY be free..
"of the mental chains that bind us". . .
Anyone seeking genuine mental/spiritual liberation
should read and have copies of his legendary texts. . .
Order any and all of his mind-awakening books today.
& share that you were referred to his site by MAMAROOTS"
A New Book--Madness like Morning Glories--by Sis doris diosa davenport !!!
In her enchanting poem sequence, Sis doris davenport introduces readers to Soque Street and its
"Afrilacian" residents. These African Americans inhabiting an Appalachian community in
northeast Georgia live in a world where magic threads daily life, and the living and dead
commingle. doris again, another of AfraShe's "amazing & inspired" SpiritSistahFriends
and who AfraShe says is, "an awesome SisVisionary & Cultural Wisewomin!"
Order your copy today & share that you were referred by MAMAROOTS
The Peace Company
Help spread Peace Globally!!!
These folks wisely share that, "Peace grows when you give it away.
They offer, "The Peace Book: 108 Simple Ways to Make a More Peaceful World",
as the perfect gift for all your friends and associates.
By buying and giving this book and their items, we spread the Peace,
by using the power of networking to change the world, one "peace" at a time.
Order your copy today & share that you were referred by MAMAROOTS
Rwandan SisWeavers show their Peace Fortune Basket Ornaments
Poverty is a Weapon of Mass Destruction
The Peace Project says...
"There is an old adage --"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach a man to fish and they can eat for a lifetime. . ."
In many ways, the goals of Peace Gifts for Global Healing are analogous to this.
While we are not doing any teaching directly, our program will help provide
economic opportunities for those seeking to rebound from the horrors of war. . .
Your buying power can make a difference in the lives of some
of the most vulnerable people on earth - women and children
struggling in the aftermath of violent conflict.
We have selected projects that work with ex-combatants in Sierra Leone,
Burmese & Rwandan refugees and Ethiopian women.
Each project is providing hope and much needed income
for these people, and beautiful, functional merchandise for you."
Order today & share that you were referred by MAMAROOTS
United Lesbians of African Heritage (ULOAH)
These sistahs have a yearly National Camp/Retreat
Again...pls share that you were referred by MAMAROOTS
Share that you were referred to this site by MAMAROOTS
WorldBeat Cultural Center/San Diego, CA
A multifarious Afrikan & Indigenous Cultural Center which features
a radio & tv channel for those culturally Awakened to Global Oneness Livin'. . .
Per Ankh House of Life/Egypt Info page
A multifarious Egyptian catalogue that will help inform you about the traditional views
about ancient Kamaat that gives basic info about Goddesses
and has a great catologue of images also.
We thank them for our use of several here ...
Pls share that you were referred to this site by MAMAROOTS
The Tikkun Community, Berkeley, CA
MAMAROOTS is an affiliate of the Tikkun Community,
"Tikkun" means to mend, repair and transform the World
& is headed by Rabbi Michael Lerner,
who best states his and Tikkun's mission:
"I am grateful for the generosity of the universe.
And I renew my commitment to bring more love,
more kindness, more open-heartedness, more
non-violence, more peace, more social justice, more
environmental sensitivity, and more gratitude into the life that
I live, into my encounters with others, and into the world that
I am helping to shape, and into the consciousness that I bring to
each aspect of my life.
Thank you however inadequate my
formulation of your name and your being, for having evolved in
this particular direction so that life would emerge from the
elements, so that consciousness would emerge from life, so
that kindness and love and attraction to peace and justice
would emerge from consciousness."
Pls share that you were referred to his site by MAMAROOTS
The Beta Gamma Chicago Chapter of the Beta Phi Omega
The Beta Gamma Chicago Chapter of the Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc,
is a National Multicultural Lesbian Sorority
who, ". . .actively supports the alternative and heterosexual community
through Aids and Breast Cancer Awareness, Safe Sex seminars,
March of Dimes, lesbian events and so much more . . ."
Sis Oloya PhilaeÕ is another of AfraShe's "amazing & inspired" SpiritSistahFriends.
The Kindred is a Sistah Temple/ Spiritual Tradition to our MAMAROOTS Sistahood
and AfraShe is a Seated Elder/WiseSistah Kindred Priestess of this organization.
"MaShiAat" Oloya Philae, heads the Kindred
and has incorporated teachings from every continent
and culture; from Africa/Egypt, Sumerian,
Europe to Polynesia and the natives of America (North and South.)
Sis Oloya Philae says, "We honor all life, and spiritual practices as aspects of divine."
Again pls share that you were referred to this site by MAMAROOTS
the Suppressed Histories Archives
AfraShe Asungi supports & recommends this informative
gender activism website by Max Dashu,
who says she began the Suppressed Histories Archives in January 1970.
Max also says "I entered on the path of an independent scholar, with
the aims of recovering the obliterated history of women and
understanding how patriarchy and other systems of domination came
into being."
Visit the Racism, History and Lies presentation on this site.
And share that you were referred to this site by MAMAROOTS
Max says: "The separation of church and state is under serious threat
and is already in the process of being breached.
For this reason, it is important for us to address the historical
roots of fundamentalism, what I call the prehistory of the religious
right. Probing the political underpinnings of religion in "Western
Civilization" has been a large part of my work for three decades: the
history of state Christianity with its gender and race ideologies,
its demonization of cultural Others, whether they are women/witches,
pagans, Jews, Muslims, Africans, Romany or American Indians. The
cultural script of the Crusades still haunts the world, and is
threatening an even greater global conflict.
It has been difficult to bridge the gaps (and sometimes chasms)
between grassroots and scholarly, spiritual and political.
Some of these divisions are starting to break down. But most of academia
still looks down its nose at the idea that egalitarian societies ever
existed, or that goddess veneration does have socio-political
Even Women's Studies scholars are wary of these
heretical and stigmatized areas of study, often preferring Foucault
to Gimbutas. Neolithic history has not been a subject covered in
their syllabi, with exceptions. But I think this can change. It is up
to us to overturn the old doctrinal barriers, along with women inside
academia who are working in that direction. Ancient history is very
relevant! especially given where the world is headed politically and
ecologically today.
The easiest way to help is simply to visit and explore The more hits a website gets,
the higher its ranking in search engines, which makes it show up earlier
in the search results."
AfraShe says. . ."We should do this for all websites we want to stay visible on the Internet".
The Global Fund for Women
These folks-- The Global Fund for Women, is a foundation that awards grants
and other support to wimmin's groups globally. ...!
Also Sis Muadi Mukenge is the Program Officer for African wimmin...
check/help them out. . .
& again pls share that you were referred to this site by MAMAROOTS. . .
AfraShe Asungi recommends that you go to & order this informative book by
long time friends and activist SpiritualKin--Randy and David --who say,
"We want to thank you for your support -- giving interviews,
participating in and attending events, reading, purchasing, & telling
your friends & colleagues about Queering Creole Spiritual Traditions,
etc. -- without your support, this book wouldn't have become a reality!"
Their innovate book includes info on
our Afrakan Sistahood & AfraShe
along with other Afrikan Spiritual practitioners...
...See into the heart and soul of LGBT practitioners
of Vodou and Yoruba religions!
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Participation
in African-Inspired Traditions in the Americas
Randy P. Conner, MA...Educator, Author of Blossom of Bone:
Reclaiming the Connections Between Homoeroticism and the Sacred,
Co-author of Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol, and Spirit
with David Hatfield Sparks, MM, MLIS Writer, Ethnomusicologist,
Musician, Educator, Librarian, Co-author of
the Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol, and Spirit.
Foreword by Joseph M. Murphy, PhD, Professor of Theology,
Georgetown University; Co-editor of Osun Across the Waters:
A Yoruba Goddess in Africa and the Americas.
"Many of us who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered grew up
in religious bodies that condemned and rejected us.
Thus it is no surprise that many of us left the faith of our parents
to find our own spiritual paths. In the African American spiritual traditions,
many of our people found what they were looking for.
told from a decidedly queer perspective."
The Book Nook (TWNinsider/
This book will be of great value to those interested in African Diaspora religions,
GLBT issues, and the creative co-construction of sexual, spiritual, and personal identity."
Lindsay Hale, PhD, Lecturer in Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin
"No religious or spiritual tradition has been as exoticized and fictionalized
as the spiritual traditions of the African diaspora. Here, Conner presents these
traditions as they are understood and practiced by real people, wrestling with
real issues of identity and meaning. The book will be A USEFUL RESOURCE for scholars
in many disciplines--religious studies, gender and sexuality studies, anthropology, and history--and
will be of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people
seeking to better understand the spiritual dimension of alternative sexual and gender identities."
David W. Machacek, PhD, Director, Religious Pluralism in Southern California Project,
Department of Religious Studies, University of California - Santa Barbara;
Co-editor of Sexuality and the World's Religions
"This immediately engaging and compelling work is DESTINED TO BECOME A CLASSIC,
not only because of its significant contribution, through meticulous research,
to several intersecting fields, but also because of its carefully and elegantly crafted prose.
Conner has mastered the weaving of first- and third-person narrative voices,
situating his personal story within the complex tapestry of
a great intercontinental adventure of Spirit and Eros."
Sean M. Kelly, PhD, Associate Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies
Explores the interrelationship of gender complexity, same-sex intimacy, and spiritual practices in
African-diasporic spiritual traditions. . . A respectful, meticulously researched examination
of the diversity and variation within African-diasporic religions, focusing
on issues relating to same-sex intimacy.
I found the entire book to be extremely interesting and useful."
AnaLouise Keating, PhD, Associate Professor of Women's Studies, Texas Woman's University
Order your videos, books and related items by going to from our pages. . .
& Support our MAMAVision(tm). . . !!!. . .
TA TAH. . .Thanks for supporting the MAMAVision (tm). . .!!! . . .5.93 - 9.10
MAMAROOTS: AJAMA-JEBI is a non-profit AfraGoddess (tm)-Centered
Afrakan SpiraCultural (tm) Sistahzation (tm) and is solely funded by
Sistahship LoveGifts, Support Offerings and other donated contributions,
which support our spiritual/cultural/social/development projects, community outreach programs, research, materials and publications.
MAMAROOTS, MAMAROOTS: AJAMA-JEBI Sistahood, AFRACENTRIK, AFRAGODDESS, AFRAMAMA, AFRAKAMAATI, AFRAPHILOSOPHICAL, AFRATAASET, AFRA, AFRAKIN, AFRAKAN, AFRAKANWELLNESS, KAMAAT, KAMAATIK, AFRAWOMINSPIRIT, AFRASHEDOMS KALLEGE and all related words which begin with AFRA as well as all related concepts are registered trade/ service marks by Asungi & MAMAROOTS productions and the use of these marks without written permission
are strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
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