We are a SocialWeb (tm) community where wimmin --who are/ or who are seeking to become-- SistahPeace (tm) Activists can gather together to share/brainstorm about our ideas, thoughts, well-intended/well-implemented plans of action--as we collaborate, encourage, and cultivate effective strategies for both personal and global Peace and WellBalance (tm).
We are a diverse group of dedicated SistahPeacers (tm) who commonly share cognate purposes: to encourage, engender and sustain a comprehensive global mandate of peaceful co-existence, even while striving to do so in very distinct ways. . .
We are wimmin who are likewise concerned or engaged are respectfully invited to join our cyber-united-nation of diverse, dedicated SistahPeacers (tm), as we gather to share, encourage and support each other as we proactively seek to increase the Peace by proactively strategizing about how we might bolster our seemingly lackluster efforts as well as our seemingly unbridled successes, even while continuing to do so in each, our own distinct way. . .
SistahPeacers(tm) : Wimmin who are working for personal or global Peace, in common purpose with other like-minded wimmin and who do so based on a womin-positive, womin-centered, Goddess and/ or an Afrakan (R) WellBalance (tm) ideology.
Our SistahPeace ReShaping WellBalance coaching/ counsel for wimmin who are living alternative lifestyles and who seek to find relief from the grief and isolation that often results from such choices as feminist, womin-centeredness, Goddess-centered, Eastern /Pagan /Earth-based spirituality, non & non-traditional -Judeo-Christianity, etc.
Our SistahPeace ReShaping WellBalance is Our Afrakan (R) Rooted transpersonal mental/emotional/ results-oriented restorative process, which specifically addresses the internalized stressors and self-reproach that tends to linger, sometimes well after a womin has courageously chosen to live her Truth well outside the acceptable patriarchial social norms of Heterosocialism (tm) or Judeo-Christian Fundamentalism.
Our SistahPeace ReShaping WellBalance is Our Afrakan (R) Rooted transpersonal mental/emotional/ results-oriented restorative process, which specifically addresses the internalized stressors and self-reproach that tends to linger, sometimes well after a womin has courageously chosen to live her Truth well outside the acceptable patriarchial social norms of Heterosocialism (tm) or Judeo-Christian Fundamentalism.
What is Our SistahPeace ReShaping WellBalance (tm)
Counseling and Coaching Process?
Our SistahPeace ReShaping WellBalance is a proven process which will turn your dream life into reality. You can live your dreams, certainly the life of your choosing, through Mindfully WellBalanced Living by Our Awakened Principle of Maat In Action (tm). . .!
Our SistahPeace ReShaping WellBalance Coaching Process walks with you step-by-step through proven results-oriented techniques so you can truly experience living a Well-Purposed & SheInspired life of your choice.
Some of Our WellBalance (tm) Focus Areas:
ReShaping Life Transitions WellBalance (tm) for wimmin
ReShaping Transpersonal Self-Actualization WellBalance (tm)
ReShaping Restorative WellBalance (tm)
ReShaping Mother /Daughter Relationship WellBalance (tm)
ReShaping Right Relationship WellBalancing (tm)
ReShaping AfraGoddess (tm) Awakening Spirituality WellBalance (tm)
ReShaping Self-Abundance WellBalance (tm)
ReShaping Life Purpose WellBalance (tm)
ReShaping Courageous Engagement WellBalance (tm)
And More...
ready to make /making meaningful changes in their lives /lifestyle choices
The Emphasis Is Always On You!
Personal Growth, Life Purpose & Transitions
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For More Info About Our NEWEST Holistic Ventures--
Our Wimmin-Affirmative (tm) Support For:
Breaking Self-Defeating Patterns
Healthy Relationships
Dual Diagnosis Recovery & Relapse Prevention
Alternative Lifestyles
Coaching & Counseling Services
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All original art & text copyright Asungi/ MAMAROOTS productions.
TA TAH. . .Thanks for supporting the MAMAVision (tm). . .!!! . . .5.93 - 9.10
MAMAROOTS: AJAMA-JEBI is a non-profit AfraGoddess (tm)-Centered
Afrakan SpiraCultural (tm) Sistahzation (tm) and is solely funded by
Sistahship LoveGifts, Support Offerings and other donated contributions,
which support our spiritual/cultural/social/development projects, community outreach programs, research, materials and publications.
MAMAROOTS, MAMAROOTS: AJAMA-JEBI Sistahood, AFRACENTRIK, AFRAGODDESS, AFRAMAMA, AFRAKAMAATI, AFRAPHILOSOPHICAL, AFRATAASET, AFRA, AFRAKIN, AFRAKAN, AFRAKANWELLNESS, KAMAAT, KAMAATIK, AFRAWOMINSPIRIT, AFRASHEDOMS KALLEGE and all related words which begin with AFRA as well as all related concepts are registered trade/ service marks by Asungi & MAMAROOTS productions and the use of these marks without written permission
are strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
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Web Page Design/ programing: AfraShe Asungi, HHHAS, MFA, MSW, CAODC, MAFRAS ReShaper (tm),
Web Page programing support: Teo Barry Vincent IV
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